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KTE Acceptance
KTE Acceptance
Become a Kaplan Test of English recognising institution
Join leading institutions worldwide in recognising Kaplan Test of English! Complete this short form to either confirm your institution’s recognition of the test
learn more about the process.
Personal Details
The details you enter below will not be made available publicly. The information you provide will be for our records only so that we can contact you.
First Name
Last Name
Job Title
Email Address
Phone number
Institution Details
Some of the details in this section may be displayed on the Kaplan Test of English website if you choose to be listed as a recognising institution.
Institution name
Department/School/Faculty (if relevant)
Only required if you are accepting KTE for a specific department
Institution website URL
Recognition status
Does your institution currently recognise Kaplan Test of English as proof of English proficiency as part of the admissions process?
Yes, we already accept Kaplan Test of English
No, but we would like to learn more
I’m not sure
Please briefly explain the process for gaining recognition at your institution:
Official listing and publicity
We proudly display all official recognising institutions on the Kaplan Test of English website.
Please indicate here if you would prefer your institution not to be listed.
OK to add to list
Do not add to list
Not sure
Your institution will only be listed once we have confirmed your status as an official KTE recognising institution
Would you happy for us to showcase your institution’s recognition of Kaplan Test of English on our social media channels
Not sure
Your institution will only be showcased on our social media once we have confirmed your status as an official KTE recognising institution
Upload your institution’s logo
By providing the logo, you are authorising its use on our website and social media. Alternatively, send it via email to
[email protected]
Additional opportunities
Would you like to explore how Kaplan Test of English can support your international student recruitment efforts?
Not sure
Would you be interested in exclusive discounted test vouchers for your students?
Not sure
Would you consider Kaplan Test of English as a solution for internal English language assessments?
Not sure
Do you have any questions or comments for the Kaplan Test of English team?
Terms and Conditions
I hereby agree that I am authorized by the institution listed on this form to
to become a KTE recognising institution
, and to act on behalf of such institution
To the best of my knowledge, the information I have provided is accurate, current and complete.
I understand that Kaplan Testing Services (KTS) is not liable for the accuracy or completeness of the information collected or displayed. I also understand that I will be contacted by KTS as part of the registration process.